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Coming Events At Camas Prairie

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Disc Golf Is Here!

Disc golf is now available as a permanent fixture at Camas Prairie Park. While we’re still experimenting with final placement of the baskets, we currently have 18 holes ready and playable.  Our introductory price is  just $5 for up to 18 holes and Super Twilight, after 5 pm, is $3.  Grab your discs and enjoy the course.

New! Book  Your Tee Time Online

Employment Opportunity

Pro- Shop Lead

The non-profit Friends of Port Townsend Golf Park is looking for an enthusiastic multi-tasker to join our team operating the golf park and clubhouse.  For more information click below.

From its very beginnings the Port Townsend Golf Park has been a citizen driven initiative. 

After decades of deferred maintenance, city government considered closing and repurposing our historic golf course for housing, open space and a park. With no funding for either development or maintenance in the 2024 budget, it was likely to go feral at the expiration of the current lease in December of 2023. It could have become another of the many lost opportunities for recreation and community in our city’s history.
Friends of the PTGP was formed by local residents who had a different vision for the property, one that honored its past but was more inclusive and broader in its possibilities for the future.

Working cooperatively with the City, over the period of 2 months an agreement was reached that would give new life to an old idea. 
We envision a restored golf course that accommodates golf in its many forms; traditional, disc, mini, and foot golf.  Also, and importantly, a place where non-golfers and their families can enjoy outdoor performances, activities and events with opportunities to simply walk the beautiful grounds and appreciate the wildlife and native plants that exist there in profusion.  We also anticipate a full service welcoming center where groups can meet and friends can enjoy a meal and beverage.
But here’s the catch.  It can’t happen without your help. Until the Park becomes self-sustaining, likely 5 years, we will be dependent on volunteers and donations. 
We sincerely hope you will join us in this undertaking and help create a community legacy for future generations of residents and visitors. 
To find out more, click the link below and come back often.  We’ll be posting regular updates on events and opportunities for involvement.

Friends of the Port Townsend Golf Park

The Vision

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To Thank All Of Our Golfers For A Successful

First Year Of Operation, All Golf Rounds & Range Balls

Half Price Through January

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